Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let's get spiritual - a shamanic healing journey

Hello lovely readers,

I wanted to share with you some hugely positive things that have been happening to me, mainly because I can see that they can have a hugely positive impact on you too.

It all began with my wonderful friend Genevra Jolley.  A few years ago, I was complaining to her about negative patterns in my life in relation to both career and love.  I explained that I had felt as though I continually poured my soul into things only to be slapped in the face in return.  She suggested I consider Shamanic Healing.  I looked at her as though she'd spoken Japanese.  It turns out that Shamanic healing is an ancient form of healing common to many indigenous peoples.  For more info, take a look here:

At the time, I opted for a distance soul retrieval session with someone Genevra recommended.  During the healing session, though skeptical, the immense heat I felt across my chest - the home to my heart chakra was unmistakeable as was the incredible rippling sensation of energy rushing up and down my body like little electric shocks and powerful images like a bird being released from a cage.  I was recommended to follow this up with an Illumination but at the time, my finances were appalling and it just wasn't an option.  Recently, I woke up one morning and felt a huge shift.  As though somebody had lifted an enormous weight from me and I could suddenly feel the love around me.

For the first time in months, Genevra came and spoke to me through facebook.  She told me that she'd seen my face in her mind's eye and sensed something had changed.  When we spoke, she confirmed this.  Suddenly I started to have people contacting me asking for help with PR and Marketing for the first time in 8 months.  I decided to go and visit Genevra and had an incredible Reiki session with her. Slightly skeptical still, she used the immense power of her beautiful crystal healing bowls and the incredibly beautiful energy and love that resides within her to remove any final blockages allowing the force of kundalini to run through me - something that when she placed her hands on my feet, could only be likened to the rush I've felt when jumping into a freezing cold plunge pool.

Up until now, I have always blamed current difficulties on my painful childhood and though I have never let it stand in my way, I hadn't realised the anger and hurt that I carried with me until suddenly, one day, it went.  That's not to say that I don't still from time to time get angry, of panic that things are going to go terribly wrong, but one thing I can say for sure is that I'm on a new path.  One which allows me to live in truth.  I'd love it if you took a walk with me whilst I see where it leads me.

I am now a devoted meditator and am feeling an immense pull towards healing others.  I took part in a Munay-Ki ceremony with Genevra and her wonderful friends and I have to say that it was the most beautiful weekend of my life and moves me even now to think of the love that it awoke in me, around me.  Love that resides in the water that rushes over us in the shower, the sun which streams upon us, the bounce of the trees in the wind and the Earth beneath our feet.

For anyone interested in the wonder of Reiki and Crystal Healing and for Healers looking for healing tools, please contact Genevra.  Her website is or find her on facebook.

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